I am old enough to have lived through the ending years of the second world war, granted I was a child, but I remember, We knitted blankets for the soldiers, and were taught to hide under school desks in the event of an attack. Then Korea came along, by then I was a teen, became a Pen Pal to soldiers I still have never met. My memories are strong during this time because our church, near Ft. Devens in Mass.Organized a place for soldiers to come for music, food, dancing and happy times. Our Mothers provided the refreshments and some of us sang with a live band, brought fellows home for dinners and Friendships were formed.
Then of course Vietnam became the next "Biggie" with some un-named fights in between. This was an unpopular war, and our troops were treated badly by our own population, I never understood why they were punished for just following the orders given to them. Faithful to those in command. They suffered physically, and mentally and when I visit the Va hospital with my husband I see the results of that time.
Now we are in the present and we are still being confronted with enemies, but these times are quite different, and we still have the "Bravest of the Brave" protecting us! Everyone of these men, from every battle in our history, are ANGELS who have protected us and our country. Maintaining our precious way of life.When I began to think of Angels every definition that I found, proclaimed, " A Guardian spirit sent by God" A spiritual being believed to act as an attendant , agent or messenger of God. The word itself is from the Greek, Aggelos, which means Messenger.
How many of you have someone in your current life that you know is an Angel sent for you.? Is it a special friend who looks after you selflessly? I have one of those, who I know I can depend on for anything, despite her own needs. Is it a Doctor who has given his or her ALL to heal you? Is it a spiritual adviser who really cares about your pain? Perhaps it is a now elderly person who has mentored you just to make you strong, or a teacher who influenced your life, a neighbor who just loves you for you, warts and all?
I recently, just by accident, re-met someone who was an acquaintance some years ago. Many things had happened to this person in the intervening years. She herself now has MS which is a daily battle, she has a grown child who has a terminal illness. These are only two things in her daily struggle, but she saw a need in our area, and facilitated the opening of a food pantry in her church. She works tirelessly to make this a success. I can attest to that because My husband and I became volunteer recruits and feel blessed to be able to do so. She is definitely my definition of a modern day Angel. God is working through this person , She is one of his ministering spirits!
When the Angel of the Lord came to the Virgin Mary to proclaim that she would bear a child. I wonder just what Mary was feeling? Can you imagine such a thing? She, who was so young, trusted!!! We have heard the Bible stories of the Christ child and the birth in the stable, but would anyone of us really have that much faith or trust? Think of the tumult of emotions for Joseph!
In discussions, often among my own age group, the subject many times is, "we, as a society are bending the "rules. Some sacrifice unborn lives because it is not convenient or not the right time. The nuclear family life is shrinking, and the Christian religions are under attack. Divorce is on the rise, because it is now relatively easy to do. I am often told " well times are different" " Lives are busier and there are more choices." , It is then . I am reminded of Mary, who bore and birthed a child on trust and Faith and Joseph, who did not leave her. God's rules do not change!
We have just celebrated the Christian celebration of Christmas!. Now all of us will celebrate the New Year and turn the calendar page to 2015. I never make resolutions, about diet because I would probably fail that test, more money--well it would be great, but probably won't happen. I will pray, to meet the challenges with Grace, and kindness. To become a more passionate follower of Christ and to trust! What will your resolutions for 2015 be this time? I will share with you just a few pictures of friends and those I count as Angels. Mr. Dude counts as No # 1 with my darling son right there with him. They both keep me centered.There have been so many in my life who have guided me and mentored me, many are now in the arms of our Lord including my dearest Earthly Father Carl. I cannot show them all--my sweet young neighbors who include us in their lives. My Younger brother who comes when I call and takes care of our Mother. All of these single acts of kindness makes us all the better for it.
Dearest and some of our oldest friends.We have been nurturing each other for almost 40 years. The kind of Angels you can call in the middle of the night or be called by them in the middle of the night! We both feel blessed every day by their love and Friendship.They are family!
My Sweet 98 year old Mother with my friend Barbara who is such an example of service and helps me in so many ways. She is helping me take up the mantle of service my Mother always did but can no longer do. My sister in Christ Norma who I met through our work for those less fortunate that we are. We have such a good time doing what the Lord has asked us to do.These woman are an inspiration to me, despite their own burdens , they carry their crosses with Grace and move forward always helping others.
Norma and I joking with the picture "taker" and he snapped this one of us both being silly,so had to include it.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!