Sunday, April 13, 2014

Our Own Little Easter Bunny is Thriving!

Next Sunday is Easter, a celebration, in the life of a Christian, and what a celebration it is!  I am reminded every day how grateful I am to have a Savior who cares about me.  Our small family has faced many challenges and crisis this past year, but through it all the love of the Lord and his love for us has kept us whole. We will continue to fight the "good fight".

Mr. Dude and I have been working very hard in the back yard, trying to bring it into some sort of reasonable focus, and as I have told you before we now have a bunny who has reached the Toddler stage.  Like most toddlers he does get into places he shouldn't, but like our children, I love him or her anyway.  I had planted several containers of Gerber daisies and Petunias.  Hmmm, well this is how some
of them look now. Nary a blossom in sight!  Boo Hoo, oh well they will grow again, It was my mistake putting them in a tempting spot. Now I am putting everything up out of harms way, just like we did with the kids,

You can see how he is growing, here he has found something delicious to chew on. Like most growing children he appears all the time now and eats his fill.

We may never have the grass  mowed again.We have a built in mower, who has a liking for green patches, and that is about all there is left.

Now I ask you isn't he cute?  He is getting used to us, doesn't run away if we should meet in passing

I am preparing myself for the day he grows into the teen years and decides to move on. I will just love     .                                                                                   him for this moment in time.

Look what I found in the side garden today--I believe that my own special Easter Bunny has left me a purple Alabaster egg, as a gift. What a sweet Bunny we have living in our yard! 

We will not be with our Son and family this year and that makes us a little sad. The Grands are growing up. I miss the egg hunts we used to organize and making the baskets to surprise them with and  All going to church together to worship as a family.We would then come home for a big dinner. Sharing with extended family and friends to celebrate!

                                                                                    In our mobile world today, it is just a fact of life that
 we can't always be together. We hope to bring up our children to be successful, secure people who are able to live happily and successfully away from the family nest.

I guess this is much the same for the Mother Rabbit who is teaching her baby offspring to be prepared to function in a world that is sometimes not very friendly. I appreciate her sharing her baby with us until he is ready to face the world away from us.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, how wonderful to meet such a cute, little creature. Love the Easter egg too! How sweet of it to choose to nibble on the gerbera daisies, a plant designed to give more & more beautiful flowers. (oh, that little stinker!!!) Happy Easter
