Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Lenten Season for Christians all over the World. A sacred time and a time of decisions. If you are a practicing Christian will you be observant for the next 40 days? Will you be making a sacrifice as our Lord sacrificed for us?
When I was a young girl, we hoped for a new dress and shoes for church and in those days we also wore hats.We thought we were so cool! We constantly, in our vanity, checked with others to see, "what color is your dress?" As an adult I wonder this, why was a new dress so important and who was it really for? Was it to welcome the resurrected Christ or was this just a personal indulgence along with the Easter Bunny and our very welcome basket?
Today in the world,Christians are in a religious war and every day the brave and dedicated Missionaries, many who serve in nations unfriendly to their beliefs, are sacrificing to bring that word of the Lord to non-believers. Their sacrifices often mean , imprisonment, torture, death or conditions so severe they are forced into hiding or escape. I honor and applaud their bravery, because I am afraid, if tested, I might not be that brave.
We are beginning to feel that we are under siege in our own country. I read not long ago that leaving Bibles in Hotel rooms is not any longer P.C. That COULD be offensive! That is only the beginning of many such stories. Removal of Crosses that were dedicated to those who served us and died for us.How sad!
Perhaps in the Lenten season, while fixing Easter baskets for the Children and Grandchildren, which I think is a great idea and provides a sweet remembrance for them to store in their memory bank, your thoughts will include all of those who have sacrificed and still sacrifice for us today so that we may have the right to religious freedom.. Everyone needs a basket that has a special little gift along with, yellow Marsh mellow chicks, I love those. Jelly beans, yes I love those too. Wasn't it fun to hand dye eggs and then hide them all over the yard and then pray we could still make egg salad from them? Today we have little plastic ones that we painstakingly fill with candy and of course , please don't forget the chocolate bunny!!
I have a dear friend who is eliminating sugar as her sacrifice, this a a very big deal for her. She has supported and given me the strength to do the same. Gosh , how will I give up my sweet in the afternoon with tea, my chocolate and a few other things I love, that satisfy my sweet tooth-- because I will be remembering, every time I reach out to take that forbidden sweet, what the Lord did for me!
We arrange to send Lillies to the graves of those we have loved and lost, we contribute to the Alter Guilds to provide flowers for services and we order our Sugar Ham for the Easter table which we usually share with friends and family. It is after all, a celebration of the Risen Christ! Please stand up, and show the world who you are and what you believe! Make this a happy time and share with others!
If you were to visit my Garden, you would find this symbol of my Faith protecting all of God's Flowers as well as my Family and I.
Thank you for stopping in today and for listening.